Most of our guests call it
"Home away from Home"
Our motto
"We don't whinge We work!" :D
Working Hostel
Short description about work throughout the year.
The work situation here fluctuates.​
Sometimes we have more people than work - sometimes we have more work than people. Our busiest season which happens to be our longest season is the Citrus season. April towards the end of the year (usually more work than people). October until February/March is the season of Stonefruits (sometimes more, sometimes less work than people) which is followed by the Grape season (sometimes more, sometimes less work than people) right into the Citrus season. Other jobs, fruits and vegie's are likely to be available throughout the year (sometimes more people than work )
It might get patchy in between the season.​
Growers have to see what the markets and prises are like and if new orders are made furthermore the worksituation is weather depending as well as the demand of fruit's and vegie's all over the world.​
It may take 3 days or up to a week to find a job which might be short or
long term or you may be lucky to get something straight away. We can not predict the start of the seasons as well as weather conditions and it may even take a couple of weeks until we are able to sort you out with a position. Please bare in
mind that we do NOT guarantee success in finding work.
If you decide to come we will do the best at our abilities to help you find a job. An own
transport would be an advantage and gives you priorities.
Please call us for current updates and bookings closer to your planned time
of arrival. Sorry no bookings for several weeks in advance possible but a​
few days is ok.​
We try to meet travellers’ expectations.Â​
Fruit-picking seasons are unpredictable and there isn’t always work available immediately.
To be perfectly honest, growers don’t always know exactly the day they are going to pick fruits, so hostels try to safeguard themselves and have staff on hand.
We can never promise anyone a job... So be prepared to source your own work at times... through yellow pages... local phone books, turning up on farms, and legit working hostels. Never rely on guides or agencies that charge money.
Its wise to go to see growers in person. Many farms appreciate initiative.. It shows you are motivated... Be persistent and energetic! They want to know you really want to work!
Be aware over night situations can change on any farm and work can decease... You must be prepared to step up with an open mind and use your initiative too... Its the nature of the harvest industry...
Be wise with your money !
Terms and conditions:
1. This is a service to our guests at Berri Backpackers Resort without any sort of commission.
2. Manager will not be held responsible for anything that results from the use of this website or its information on hourly rates, piece rates etc.